/****************************************** */ /*Code Fragment for REXX CGI Error Reporting*/ /****************************************** */ ADDRESS 'COMMAND'; SIGNAL ON SYNTAX PARSE Arg Parms ... IF QueryInput='' THEN CALL Exit 490,'No input given!<br>' ... /*******************************************/ /*Rex will jump to this error exit if a */ /*syntax error occurs. It returns the user */ /*ito the line in the exec with the error. */ /*******************************************/ Syntax: PARSE SOURCE Arch . $Fn . CALL Exit 499, 'Syntax error on line', SIGL 'of' $Fn'. Line="'SOURCELINE(SIGL)'"' ... Exit: PROCEDURE EXPOSE Debug Parms /* ************************************** | Exit - Assumes Content-type: text/html | ************************************* */ PARSE ARG Code, Msg SAY '<title>'GETENV('SCRIPT_NAME')' error' Code'</title>' SAY '<h2>Error Code' Code 'reported by' SAY GETENV('SCRIPT_NAME')'.</h2> The WWW utility on' SAY '<tt>'GETENV('SERVER_NAME') SAY ':'GETENV('SERVER_PORT')'</tt>that you are using' ... SAY 'which reports the following error:' IF Msg/='' THEN SAY '<hr><h1><code>'Msg'</code></h1>' IF Debug>0 THEN DO SAY '<hr>The complete environment follows:<p><pre>' ADDRESS COMMAND "set" SAY '<br>Command line arguments="'Parms'".' SAY '</pre>' END SAY '<hr>[' SAY '<a HREF="/slac.html">SLAC Home Page</a> |' SAY '<a HREF="/suggestion/cottrell">Suggestion Box</a> ]' SAY '<address><a HREF="/owner/zaphod">Zaphod</a></address>' IF Code=0 THEN RETURN EXIT /*Code*/